Together, we practice a set of principles to create timeless architecture.

The fundamental values that guide our work are Collaboration, Program, Context, Order, Scale, Sustainability and Daylight. With these principles in mind, we create architecture to elevate any environment.


Our design evolves through a collaborative process where our client is an integral part of a diverse and talented working group that includes the leading consultants of our time. Along with state of the art drawing, modeling and rendering tools, our studio relies heavily on sketches and hand crafted models to communicate our vision through all phases of the design.




Our client’s program defines project goals and serves as the basis for simple rational diagrams that reflect the building function and organization. These diagrams guide the development of all planning studies throughout the design process.



Each new project design is informed by the physical, historic and social context to reveal site- specific ideas about organization, scale, location, sustainability and palette of materials. Each site and program has the potential for an approachable, inspiring architecture that captures the shared vision of architect and client.



A sense of order expressed through geometric proportioning of the building elements gives clarity to the architectural experience and defines our work.



We believe that each project has an optimum massing and scale to achieve humane proportions. We draw inspiration from the context to evolve a balance between built structure and open space.



We are committed to conserving the world’s limited natural resources by applying new technologies in building systems, envelope and structure to create integrated architectural and engineering solutions. We believe in a whole team approach to sustainability, ensuring that each discipline within the project team is engaged early in the design process.



Daylight is a fundamental building element that defines space, evokes emotion and reinforces one’s connection to a time and place. As architects we look for opportunities to celebrate the quantity and quality of light in our work.

Gagosian Gallery